On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 11:47:34PM -0600, Nitebirdz wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 11:24:17AM +0000, Richard Lyons wrote:
> > On Thursday 15 January 2004 09:19, Alex Malinovich wrote:
> > > I'm taking a class this semester which is all about installing and
> > > using Linux. After talking with the professor on Tuesday, I've
> > > learned a few details. First, I have to use Vulgarly Illogical for my
> > > text editor for the purposes of labs, tests, etc. As illustrated by
> > > the previous sentence, I'm an emacs user. :)
> > [...]
> > I have to admit to the reverse prejudice.  Cannot get all those ctl-X 
> > combinations into my head...
> >
> Actually, there is also a reason to teach 'vi' in classes like that.  We
> all have our own personal preferences when it comes to editors, but the
> reality still is that quite often when a system is half broken in single
> user mode and one needs to edit this or that file to bring it back to life
> 'vi' is the only editor available.  Believe me, I've been doing technical
> support for quite a while and had to walk a few sysadmins through the 
> painful process of editing in file using 'vi' when they had absolutely no
> knowledge of the tool.

I hate both of 'em. If all I've got is the "standard tools", I use ed. I
find it *much* less painful than using vi. Or emacs. Seriously.


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