I will have to ditto Monique's frustration.

I am a debian noobie. However, I started working with IBM PC's in '83 and later graduated to XT's on the job. The first windows I installed was 2.0 (a runtime version for a tape backup program). Over the years I've seen Novell perfect it's security and gradually fade into the background, DOS disappear, and Windows mature into the juggenaut we all love to hate.

If you want Debian to eventually follow DOS, then neglect new users and ignore documentation. Keep knowledge to yourselves and allow only club members to know the secret incantations.

OR, you can work to reduce the frustration and steep learning curve many noobies, including myself and Monique, face when we begin to work on our new Debian box.

Mac <on a soapbox> McCaskie

Monique Y. Herman wrote:
On 2004-01-17, Joseph Guida MD penned:

Sometimes I think that  "open source" geeks intentionally complicate
things to keep the borderline geeks  (like me) from experimenting with
and learning about O/Ses like Debian.  The install menus USED TO ALLOW
A CHOICE BETWEEN EXT2 and EXT3...before you loaded up the HD with the
O/S.  Now, you have to modify the EXT2 after the fact, running the
risk of screwing up the partitions...thanks guys....some pimple faced
hacker probably did this as a form of geek-like "ethnic
cleansing"...well it worked...I'm going back to RedHat.  And I really
liked tinkering with Debian too...kept me thinking...so sad....
Coyotesx5 Scottsdale, AZ

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