Kevin Mark wrote:
On Sat, Jan 17, 2004 at 07:01:03PM -0500, Roberto Sanchez wrote:

John Hasler wrote:

Kevin Mark writes:

compare what you get from the windows world. no community. no help. need
to buy $$$ books. pay $$$$ for tech support.

This is an outright falsehood. There are just as many, if not more, MS Windows oriented user groups/communities as there are for GNU/Linux. Granted, tech support is still expensive.

Hi Roberto, I guess its been so long since I have had any contact with M$ that I forgot about the people like those at my local pc users groups. Yes, you are correct. mea culpa. ==:-) -Kev

I know because I sometimes hang around some of the MS-centered forums and suggest free software alternatives for people that run into problems (usually Apache for IIS, OOo for MSO, etc).


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