On Sun, Jan 18, 2004 at 12:34:27AM +0000, Jonathan Matthews wrote:
> Doing a bit of advocay, I've managed to convince a friend to try Debian 
> on his newly put-together PC for a bit, while he saves up the £165 WinXP 
> tax.
> Unfortunately, I'm not doing a great job.  I did a netinstall from 
> debian-installer (12-01-04, FWIW, and it *rocks*!), but can't seem to 
> get X to come up at all.
> I'll happily post any config files here, but (off the top of my head) 
> the problem is that X bombs after a couple of seconds with "no screens 
> found".  He's got a NVidia FX mumble in there.
> If I could get the damn thing to work with even the vesa driver, I'd 
> know where to start - but I can't.  I've got mdetect, read-edid and 
> discover installed (all before apt-get installing xserver-xfree86), but 
> this doesn't seem to help.
> So -
> o any AGP gotchas I should look out for?  I've only installed on a PCI 
>   system before ..
> o What's the lowest common denominator driver that I should be starting 
>   with to get over the absolutely-no-GUI-accessible hurdle?
> o What files can I post here to help you help me?
> TIA - I really need some advice!
> jc

Two things you can post are /var/log/XFree86.0.log and running 
startx > X.log 2>&1 and post X.log.
Start by looking at those two files for anything suspicious. Look out
for an error about not finding the mouse. Its something that head me
banging my had against the wall a few times. X won't start if it can't
find one of the configured mice (look in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and make
sure that the file the mouse looks at exists, and check in the server
section iirc what mouse setup X is trying to use).

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