On Sun, Jan 18, 2004 at 10:47:33AM -0500, John Kerr Anderson wrote:
> We've been using SBC Yahoo Dsl, but were so outraged at their arrogance,
> poor quality service, and lack of support that we decided to cancel.  Can
> anyone recommend an ISP that is actually good?
> We're thinking of switching to charter cable internet, but rumour is
> they're partnered with Micro$oft.  Any recommendations???

I wouldn't recommend cable for the pure fact that you are sharing the
cable line with everyone on your block. Kiddie MP3 trader guys will sap
your bandwidth but malicious hacker #434 can sniff anything on that

As for DSL, you (unfortunately) should stick with the local phone
monopoly. They usually suck but they are the only company who can repair
lines and actual deal with -real- issues. A reseller of DSL can only
report actual problems to the local phone RBOC/monopoly and if the
problemn isn't effecting their actual customers they might just take
their sweet time.

Barring everything else, if you'd like a Linux/server-friendly and
reasonable DSL provider check out <www.speakeasy.net>.

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