On Sat, Jan 17, 2004 at 05:32:49PM -0600, Mac McCaskie wrote:
> Paul Morgan wrote:
> >On Sat, 17 Jan 2004 13:18:50 -0600, Mac McCaskie wrote:
> >
> >So you would wish, for instance, to deprive me of a package which I can
> >understand and use simply because the documentation is not adequate enough
> >for you, or for somebody non-me, anyway?
> Yes, because otherwise a value judgement is imposed on the potential 
> users' level of competence.  Wouldn't you like to have the opportunity 
> to use something you just heard of?  Under these qualifications, only 
> those in possesion of the required knowledge would be able to use it.

But why should they be deprived of the opportunity to use it simply because
others can't figure out how to? Sure, it's tough on those who can't figure
it out, but that's no reason to make life hard for those who can.

Nobody's denying the need for documentation. But I'd much rather have a hard
time using something than not have the opportunity to use it at all.


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