
My thanks to Kristian, Roberto, and ABrady. The problem was a combination of things: needing to install gcc3.2 and figuring out where Firebird looks for the plugins and in what order. I created a link to <JRE home>/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so within /usr/lib/mozilla-firebird/plugins and removed the plugins directory under $HOME/.phoenix/.


Kristian Niemi wrote:

Had the same problem; I had to use another package, if I remember correctly. I believe I mailed (the thread) the solution, so search this newsgroup?

h: Kristian

Curt Daugaard wrote:


Has anyone got the Java plugin to run successsfully with Mozilla-Firebird 0.7? I've tried the Sun 1.4.2_03 package but running applets crashes Firebird.

Many thanks.


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