Brett Carrington wrote:
On Sun, Jan 18, 2004 at 02:05:02PM -0800, Nano Nano wrote:

On Sun, Jan 18, 2004 at 04:56:53PM -0500, Bijan Soleymani wrote:

Yes all the channels and the traffic are coming on the same wire. Each
channel is at a different frequency (kind of like for regular antenna
reception), and the tv picks out whichever channel you want.

Could a device in theory record every channel simultaneously? Could it in practice?

Yes, but it's probably not very cheap. You'd need a seperate tuner for
each channel. When you change the channel your TV just re-tunes to the
freq. of the station on the wire. To record every channel you'd need to
be tuned to every station at the same time and then you'd need to find a
way to record it....

That is not too difficult. The [U.S.] military (and others, I'm sure) use wide-band recorders for some applications (not sure what, as it is not my field of expertise). Essentially, they record onto 1" or wider tape and capture huge parts of the spectrum. Later, the play the tape back and tune specific freqs to get what they want. However, I'm sure the equipment is not cheap.


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