Title: Send output to file & printer

Not new to linux per say, but have done almost no shell scripting or programming with it, so consider me a complete rookie.

Using lpd, is there a simple way using the command line to send the output of a process to both a file and a printer at the same time? 

Optionally, how might I go about saving a copy of a print job to file before it prints (without disabling the print queue itself)?

As an example, if I issue a command like "ls -laF" on a directory, can I have the output of that command go to a file (filename = username_date_time.txt), and print on a remote printer at the same time, or do I have to run two commands? 

Essentially this would be used to capture certain print jobs for possible reprint if something goes wrong with the printer, or for archival purposes.

Is this possible?


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