On Tue, Dec 02, 2003 at 03:56:25PM -0500, Paul Morgan wrote:
> My understanding is that lilo works off a system
> map which is created at installation and is sector based.  So, as long as
> it can figure out where the kernel is physically placed at installation,
> it can map it. Then, when loading the kernel, it doesn't have to care
> about the filesystem.  So the boot loader can be tiny.
> Grub is different.  It has to grok the filesystem at boot time, so the
> boot loader is huge as a result.
> Oh, and lilo can boot off a RAID device.

eh? is it possible to get woody to boot (after installing, and
no luck there, yet) off of a raid? that would be awesome.

i've got a 3ware setup, and 3w-xxxx.o is what's needed, which
works fine under morphix, but i've not been able to preload the
module under the woody install. (floppy 'driver' images won't
mount, and i've tried about three different download sites to
get them...)

got pointers?

I use Debian/GNU Linux version 3.0;
Linux boss 2.4.18-bf2.4 #1 Son Apr 14 09:53:28 CEST 2002 i586 unknown
Why are *.rpm (RED HAT PACKAGES) considered spawn of Satan?
Because the Debian package system is a lot more sophisticated
than the one Red Hat uses; lots more inter-dependency information
is built in to a *.deb package. If you bypass that with an *.rpm
file, you're taking chances with your system. Try to "apt-get
install <debian-only>" packages if possible. (Also check out the
"alien" package if you must.)

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