On Sat, 2004-01-31 at 22:10, I wrote:
> Note that the expectation of the System V init system is
> that every service have either an S or a K symlink in each
> runlevel.  If there is no symlink for a service in a particular
> runlevel then the behavior of sysv's invoke-rc.d is undefined
> for that service in that runlevel.  Methods of shutting off
> services must take that into account.

This is true.

> Suppose you have service foo that is S20 in runlevel 2 and
> you want to shut it off.  You should do something like:
>     /etc/rc2.d/$ mv S20foo K80foo_originallyS20


Further investigation has revealed to me that this won't work.
The renamed symlink has to be K??foo or it won't be recognized
as a foo script even though it links to foo.

I conclude that the only correct way to disable a service is
to do something like:

    /etc/rc2.d$ mv S20foo K80foo

It is up to the administrator to keep a record of what the
original symlink was called so that he can restore it to that
name later if he wishes to do so.

There are a couple of high-level utilities available that can
automate this process for the administrator.

"Miquel van Smoorenburg" <miquels () cistron ! nl> wrote in part:
> A thought just hit me.
> What if we added a "update-rc.d <name> enable|disable" command?

This has already been wished for.  See sysv-rc wish #214757 and
sysvinit wish #67095.

> That has never been done because the implementation would
> be awkward and wouldn't fit into the sysv-rc design.
> But what if we used the destination of the symlink ?

Suppose you have a service foo enabled in runlevel 2 and disabled
in runlevel 3.  On moving from 2 to 3 you want foo to be stopped.
However, if foo is disabled in runlevel 3 by having its S entry
symlinked to /bin/true then it won't be stopped.

The right thing to do is to write a simple runlevel editing tool
and include it in the sysv-rc package.  This tool would rename
Snn symlinks to K(100-nn) symlinks and vice versa and would keep
records of what it had done so that reversion was easy.  The sysv
update-rc.d program would be rewritten to work through the runlevel
editing tool; commands coming from update-rc.d would determine what
the tool considered to be the "default" setting.

Other init systems would implement this tool differently, of course.

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