On Sun, Feb 08, 2004 at 06:32:54PM -0800, Dale Welch wrote:
> And i was probably building computers when your mama was changing your 
> diapers...

Well, let's see.  I was born in 1964.  I've been doing computers since 1980
or so.  The first machine I owned was an 8080A-based machine called an
Interact-1 that used an integrated tape drive and an absolutely horrid
chicklet keyboard and only 16k of memory.  Specifically, one of these:


Do I pass?

> For him and many other people having an easy install OS is imperative.

No.  John Q. Public has no business pretending he's competent to install a
complex operating system.  He's not, he shouldn't be doing it, 'nuff said.

> Come to think of it it really helps me since i'm not quite what i used to
> be (i used to called people "stupids" just because they weren't as
> familiar with something as i am).

I call people stupid when they ARE.  When they can't conceptualize well
enough to understand that a process might be documented.  That if they were
to look at that documentation, they might acquire information that they did
not have before.

And, sadly enough, when they can't even understand that looking at it might
be something they'd want to do even after you've pointed out that it

> Oh, and when i was a teen... the average person didn't install much more than 
> DOS.  We've come a long way... i hope we don't go back.  Come to think of it 
> even a simple OS many people paid for someone to install.   

I don't know about what YOU were doing when you were a teen, but *I* was
running TurboDOS and CP/M-80 and Concurrent DOS on S-100 systems (CompuPro
and Advanced Digital) and generally having a hell of a good time doing it.
I didn't own my first PC compatible until sometime after 1992 (when I moved
to where I am now, got it after that).

> after all i was born a few months after Kennedy was shot...  Now some of
> you know i'm younger than you... and many others haven't any idea my age.
> ;-)

See above.

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