On Mon, 2004-02-09 at 16:25, Damon L. Chesser wrote:
> s. keeling wrote:
> >Incoming from Paul Morgan:
> >>You must also be referring to the almost constant stream of infantile anti
> >>"M$" remarks with which I am heartily sick and tired.  I use several OSes,
> >
> >This is an attitude of which _I_ am sick and tired.  Microsoft
> >software sucks, bigtime!  Anyone looking at the amount of crap
> >flooding the net nowadays can tell that with their eyes, ears, and
> >nose nailed shut.
> >
> >No, there is NO excuse that justifies using that crap, and I don't
> >care who you are or why you want to.  It's crap!  Get over it.
> This is the first time I have to disagree with you S. Keeling.  Users of 
> CAD  (espe. AutoCad) realy have to use windose.  No maker of 
> professional CAD is porting to linux.  I know a shop here that builds 
> buildings and they all use Autocad.  Their SysAdmin has set up a RH 
> server, but all workstations are win.  There simply is no choice in the 
> matter, not yet.
Used to be that through AutoCAD R13, there was AutoCAD for UNIX systems.
Many flavors too.

I know I supported it on BSDi and on SGI. It was faster, more
consistent, easier to move around and make work. Recognized lisp, you
could redirect errors and such to another text only display without
issue. Or you could use the 21" monitor for graphics only, use the
tablets for all the pointy-clicky command and sabe the text monitor for
commands to be type in. There was also FB mode for quick previews on the
smaller monitor. Lotsa good stuff.

AutoDESK chose to drop the UNIX stuff as they got HUGE HUGE HUGE
discounts from M$ if they went to supporting only Windoze. Of course not
being fools... as the *NIX versions only accounted for ~2% of sales
towards the end, they switched and EOL'd the *NIX product flavor.

But, once again, from those "used to be *NIX" shops, I hear whispers
about a another version of AutoCAD for *NIX (prolly more specifically
Linux I'd guess).

Of course all the other products would soon follow as well, if this were
to happen.
REMEMBER ED CURRY! http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry

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