On Sun, Feb 15, 2004 at 06:22:53PM +0000, i'll teach you to turn away. wrote:
>       yeah, ripping the whole cd just doesn't see the negative space. i 
> don't even know how they recorded this, let alone how i can get it off 
> (digitally - i can always record it to cassette & take that to .wav, heh.) 

...so an audio CD player does play it OK? I've never encountered this
problem myself, so don't know about a purely software solution. But,
If It Can Be Played, It Can Be Copied... hook up the S/PDIF output of
the audio CD player (or the CD-ROM drive) to the S/PDIF input of a
suitable sound card, and record a digital copy with the recording app
of your choice.

A suitable sound card would be one based around the CMI8738 chipset,
which are usually cheap, and this chipset does "bit-perfect" S/PDIF
recordings. Soundblasters, unfortunately, do not.

I think you also need software that lets you turn the S/PDIF input on.
There's a little gtk app for this out there somewhere; unfortunately I
can't remember what it's called, but GIYF.

BTW, "A song in negative space" would make a good track title...


Be kind to pigeons
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