Oliver Fuchs wrote:
On Sun, 29 Feb 2004, s. keeling wrote:

Check the manpage.  The "f" switch is used to tell tar that the next
parameter is the file to use:

tar cvzf test.tar.gz /

Instead, cd to someplace with some space, then run it.

Yes, that is right ... my fault.

By default, tar doesn't, so you must have done something wrong. Try:

  cd /
  tar cvzf /somewhere/test.tgz .
  cd /somewhere
  tar tvzf test.tgz

Note the "."  btw, tarring the whole root dir will tar the entire
filesystem, including everything that's mounted off the root
filesystem.  man tar to find out how not to do that.

Yes surely, I did a lot of --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/dev ... that was not the

What I do not understand is:
I am in directory /home/me/TAR_EXAMPLE
Now I want to tar directory /tmp for example then I do

tar cvzf temp.test.tar.gz /tmp

Afterwards I receive in the directory /home/me/TAR_EXAMPLE the archive
temp.test.tar.gz which can be untared without any problems.

But ... trying to do

tar cvzf root.test.tar.gz / --exclude=home --exclude=/dev

I receive the archive root.test.tar.gz in directory /home/me/TAR_EXAMPLE
but trying to untar it gives me the mkdir-error-message.

From my tests that error doesn't appear to be fatal and can be ignored.

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