Gunnar wrote:
The whole idea is to have a Linux system with no GUI if you like, so
almost every server app is started before GUI.

Yes, but why can't the mailserver start in the background or somewhere else? Why do I have to wait for it to finish it's startup? I wan't to login (without X) as fast as possible.

I've thought the same would be nice, but it has yet to bother me enough to work on switching things around. Some services I don't use often but I want them there to turn on if I do need to use them like the apple file sharing service which takes a while to load. Others I use occasionally but I am pretty sure that they aren't required before X like postfix. I should fix the links for the netatalk, but doing so feels like such a kludge compared to "chkconfig --levels 2345 netatalk off" that I put off the task.

Some ideas I was going to play with:

* Change the order of items in your preferred run level so that X (gdm,kdm,xdm) is higher in the start listing by changing the NN value. Be sure you start required services like *log, hotplug, alsa and fam. Depends on what services you need. I don't doubt that my list has some critical holes.

* Group extra but not always used items to start in the ondemand a,b and c groups and call those groups when I need the service then just leave them running until I shut down or stop each service by hand.

* Figure out if I can start some of the services from inetd so they aren't started until they are needed. Some programs written for inet invocation have options to hang around for a while after invocation just incase another connection comes in.

There is a flat-file replacement for sysv/init.d, but it's name escapes me. I don't know if it would handle this any better or not.

There is work on a program called [1] daemond. I also found [2] runit which was derived from [3] daemontools.

Another promising option looks like [4] SystemServices which from the few references I've read seems to be targeting at doing what you're looking for. It is suppose to link into the hopefully up-and-coming [5] D-BUS daemon.

I never get very far on this thought because it currently works well enough for me. I think if I had a laptop or tablet I would put more thought into the setup. Send me an email if you get something working that you like. :)


Jacob Anawalt
- Not on the list, following via news.
- I apologize in advance for the missing muttish headers

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