On Thu, Mar 11, 2004 at 04:46:51PM -0700 or thereabouts, CW Harris wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 12, 2004 at 12:02:06AM +0100, Jonathan Schmitt wrote:
> > Hallo,
> > although I'm not involved, I was mentally going over the idea of writing back, 
> > I would like to share some thoughts.
> <Many good points by Jonathan Schmitt>
> > One last time, You're not forced to answer any posting, if You do and You can 
> > help (or even get a little bit positive feelingback to the questioner), it's 
> > a good thing.
> A most *excellent* point.  Thanks.

Actually I think many of you are missing the point entirely.

I won't rehash the statement S.Keeling made (I agree with him), and
quite frankly he helps out more than any of the complainers. Anyone is
allowed to have an off day (not that he did). But shit, cut the fellow
some slack here.

Also, how many of us have actually donated to Debian? So, the point,
about casting a 'bad light' on Debian isn't really valid at all -- at
least in my view. If you're not paying, you don't complain. That's the
way I was brought up.

Stop being such pussies. We are lucky that folks like S.Keeling and
others, lend their experience to the list, and bother to answer any
questions. I've had a lot of help from people on this list. As it was
pointed out, the OP, didn't even subscribe to the list -- man that shows
some committment, eh? I found man pages difficult to read at first, but
heck after a while, and enough reminders to read them, I actually enjoy
them. I now find myself upset, when a software app, doesn't provide one.

I'm wondering, if the influx of people from RedHat, are the ones, so
used to having their hands held?

Again, there is no PR argument, vis-a-vis having Debian in a so-called
postive light from this list alone. Debian's PR and reputation is in the 
quality of the software and the excellent package mgmt tools.

That's the way I see it...

  Thursday Mar 11 2004 07:58:01 PM EST
A narcissist is someone better looking than you are.
                -- Gore Vidal

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