Nitebirdz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> o If I add them to the "/etc/crontab" file, they do get executed but at very
>   different hours than the ones I specify.  For instance, the 'mkreport.deb'
>   script runs at 7:00 PM for some reason.
> o Yes, the system time appears to be correct whenever I run the 'date' command.

You want to run `mkreport.deb' at 1:00am, and if the timezone in your
email header is correct, you appear to be 6 hours western of GMT. This
means that it is 1:00am GMT when it is 7:00pm of your local time. Therefore,
presumably something is wrong with your timezone configuration.

- Is the environment variable `TZ' set? If so, to what? Is it already
  set when cron is started?
- What's the content of /etc/timezone?
- What does /etc/localtime (a symlink) point to?

You might need to run `tzconfig'.


   ,--.    Martin Dickopp, Dresden, Germany                 ,= ,-_-. =.
  / ,- )                      ((_/)o o(\_))
  \ `-'                                                     `-'(. .)`-'
   `-.     Debian, a variant of the GNU operating system.       \_/

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