On Tue, 16 Mar 2004 19:16:57 +0000
Pigeon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The original mail contained the important condition "if you don't have
> a flatrate". As far as woody goes, I have a lot of packages installed,
> and there's several off each CD. That would have meant a lot of
> downloading - not necessarily all the CDs, but a lot of apt-getting.

You're right; I totally missed that.  My apologies to Kai Grossjohann.

I suppose it's possible to obtain package lists organized by CD, so
one could figure out *which* CDs one needed.  if it were absolutely
necessary to get the CDs by mail.  I might also think that the
sorting of CD contents by popularity would mean that the first two
or so CDs would take care of enough of what one wanted that an 8 hour
download for the remaining packages of interest wouldn't be necessary.
So it's still not clear to me that it's a problem, I guess.


Chris Metzler                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                (remove "snip-me." to email)

"As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I
have become civilized." - Chief Luther Standing Bear

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