On Wed, Mar 17, 2004 at 06:00:41AM +1100, bob parker wrote:
> Because I supply various Linuxes to members of my lug, I have quite a few iso 
> images on hand including the 7 for Woody r2, and soon I will have the 13 for 
> Sarge plus the dvd iso images.
> When I use apt-get install whatever it comes back and asks for cdrom #x to be 
> inserted. What I want to know is there some way I can divert this requirement 
> to the corresponding iso image mounted on /mnt via the loopback device?

If you're loopback-mounting individual isos as required, I think you
can just switch to another VC and symlink /dev/cdrom to the mounted
image. If you've got them mounted all the time, you can stick deb file:
statements in /etc/apt/sources.list pointed at the mounted images.
(Can't remember the syntax off the top of my head but a combination of
man sources.list and experimentation should get you there :-) )


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