Florian Ernst wrote:
Hello 'wadaminoru'!

His 'x window' doesn't boot up and he asks for guidance. He already
tried 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86' but this didn't help.
He feels sorry for asking, but does anyone have a hint for him. He
uses a NVidia 'G-fource3' graphics card.

wadaminoru, please note this list's language is english.
Sorry, I personally don't know much about graphics cards...


PS: I CC you as I don't know whether you are subscribed or not.

I have a NVidia MX-440 and I use NVidia's driver 4496.
I also have Backstreet Ruby (multiple users on one box with multiple X servers) but I don't think that matters for this to work.

I download the closed-source driver from http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-4496.html
and do as they say.

That creates a module in ../kernel/drivers/video. I put that module (nvidia) in /etc/modules (I run kernel 2.4.23, patched for Backstreet Ruby) So then he loads nvidia when booting.

I run woody but compiled my own X4.3.0 because there are no binaries for Backstreet Ruby and Woody, but that should not matter.

I attach XF86Config-4 as a bzipped file, that identifies the driver as "nvidia" in the device section.

Should run as advertized.


Attachment: XF86Config-4.bz2
Description: application/vnd.mozilla.guess-from-ext

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