On Sat, Mar 20, 2004 at 07:57:21PM +0100, Julius Plenz wrote:
> * Hugo Vanwoerkom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-03-20 19:48]:
> > So I want to delete that file from the server, without trying to 
> > download it.
> > 
> > What program does this? Or may be better yet, how do I do that? And 
> > calling the ISP is not an option.
> I havent tested it but i think this should work (if fetchmail is set
> up correctly):
> fetchmail -a -l 1 -F
> This will flush (=delete) all messages with a size _over_ 1 Byte. :)
> Do you have Access to a WebMailer? I had a similar problem recently
> and solved it by removing the message throu the webinterface...

Or for an interactive command-line method try pop3browser.


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