Hello, everyone.  I'm having a problem with eclipse spawning many
processes, causing me to go over my process limit.  Since this is normal
behavior, I would like to increase my process limit.  I have edited
/etc/security/limits.conf, and uncommented the appropriate lines in
/etc/pam.d/* (the lines that enable pam_limits.so).  I've also tried
editing login.defs to no avail.  Nothing seems to work, and I can't find
"100" (the current limit) hard-coded anywhere.  My friend's slackware
box with kernel 2.6.3 does not suffer from this low limit, so I assume
it's a debian issue.  

Anyway, if anyone has any ideas on how to raise this limit, I'd be
greatly appreciative if you would enlighten me.  If possible, please CC
me as I have not subscribed to the list.  Thank you very much in
advance, and have a good day :)
Jonathan Rockway <jrockway (A) imsa.edu>

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