Karsten M. Self wrote:

on Wed, Mar 31, 2004 at 12:07:03PM +0200, Michal R. Hoffmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:


Recently I found I couldn't log in into GNOME. I found the reason. In XF86Config-4 I have defined resolutions:

1024x768, 1280x1024, 800x600, 800x600PAL (this is for my VooDoo 3 TV-Out)
and Virtual Screen size:

In GNOME I have set the screen size 1024x768 - I have 17" monitor and 1280x1024 is too much, it is good as virtual. But. I have to put 1280x1024 in allowed resolutions, in other case xrandr don't want to work. (I need xrandr to switch into 800x600PAL, to have tv-out).

Then I cannot login into GNOME. I have to in login screen (gdm) change resolution to 1280x1024 (Ctrl-Alt-+), login, and then Ctrl-Alt-- to get back into my favourite one.

Any hint what can I do?

# dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86

Select a supported screensize.

you've misunderstood me. I know how to set available resolutions. And it is even simpler with editing XF86Config-4 with vi than with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86. But if I unselect some resolutions (ie 1280x1024) - xrandr is not allowing them anymore :(

[snip modeline - n/a]

Second thing: Is there some GUI to switch resolution (just in the way
like Ctrl-Alt-[+/-] does) in deb package, preferably?
Several.  The wmxressel dock app for WindowMaker, for wexample.  Though
I don't use these.
wm dock apps work poorly on gnome - or I do not know how to set them up. What keywords I should look for such applications?

And third: Is it possible to change virt.screen size without
restarting X? If so, is some deb package with "nice gui" for this?
Supported in very recent versions of XF86v4.
what do you mean "recent"? 4.3 is enough? Is it randr? This I found works, but changes both virt.screen and real screen resolution.

***  Michal R. Hoffmann        |    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      ***
***             -= member of: KNM, ZUKiH, HCKU =-                   ***

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