On Mon, Apr 05, 2004 at 06:35:23PM -0400, Mike Chandler wrote:
> Hey, this oughta get a chuckle out of some of you...
> I have Debian Sid with kernel 2.6.4, self-compiled, working fine untill...
> I decided to recompile the kernel again, changing some stuff around, building 
> more stuff into it, and taking more stuff out...
> when I did 
> dpkg -i kernel-image-2.6.4_custom.2.0_i386.deb
> I got an error at the end, something about couldn't make initrd image, but I 
> figured what the heck, it will still boot off the old kernel, since the 
> entries were still in /boot/grub/menu.list.
> Wrong!
> I can no longer boot at all, kernel-panic etc, so I am writing this while 
> booted to Knoppix.
> I can't see how to use this as a 'recovery disk', cuz everything I try to do, 
> requires root access, and Knoppix by default has all accounts locked, and no 
> passwords, etc.
> I was gonna try to reinstall my other kernel, but can't.
> I am now hopelessly hosed, please advise!
> Thanks.
Hi Mike,
with knoppix you can 'make' a new root passwd.
go to virtual terminal 2 with 'control-alt-f1' and you will be at the '
root' prompt. type 'passwd' and this will prompt you to change the root
password. after that 'chroot' to your old system.
mount you old root with r/w permission with 'mount.
'mount /dev/hdaXX /mnt' or the like.
then 'chroot /mnt' will bring you into your old system.
from there 'dpkg' or what ever you need to do.
when done, RUN LILO!!!
then 'exit'.
and then reboot.

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