Paul Johnson wrote:
Gokul Poduval <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

1) Go to and get the appropriate driver.
2) Realize that nVidia is more trouble than it's worth.
3) Chuck nVidia card, get a video card who cares about the Linux
  community (like, say, ATI).

How is ATI support better than Nvidia ? As far as I know, both provide binary drivers, and nvidia was at this game much earlier than ati.

ATI's hardware at least works with the open software that's out there
pretty damn well in the first place.  The official drivers are a nice

Mesa DRI drivers only work with cards up to RV250-based (9200). After that, ATI have turned to be just like nVidia. I would say they learned from nVidia. "Hey guys, look these other folks get praised by the OSS comminuty for releasing binary-only Linux drivers. We don't need to give away our secrets anymore." The reason is that even when ATI *did* actively support the OSS community (like partial funding of the development of the "radeon" driver) people still bought nVidia cards with a binary-only driver because they were "better." Now that ATI and and nVidia are on equal footing marketshare/performace-wise they can get away with the same as nVidia.

-Roberto Sanchez

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