On Mon, Apr 12, 2004 at 02:11:24PM -0400, Nori Heikkinen wrote:
| [back on-list]
| on Mon, 12 Apr 2004 02:02:06PM -0400, J F insinuated:
| > I don't have a specific answer to your problem,
| > but using aptitude seems to ease upgrade problems.
| > Also, having testing, unstable, and stable all in
| > /etc/apt/sources.list seems to get aptitude
| > to converge on a working solution.
| yeah, i do have all of them in there.  i'm relatively new to aptitude,
| and have never been a convert, specifically because every time i try
| to install any one thing with it, it wants to upgrade the rest of my
| system and install at least 50 new packages.

Big picture :
    apt normally prefers the version of a package with the biggest number
    aptitude in woody defaults to 'Aptitude::Auto-Upgrade "true"'

As a result, when you have woody installed, have sarge (and/or sid) in
apt's sources list, and you run aptitude, then aptitude wants to
upgrade your system to sarge (and/or sid).

I assume, from your comments, that you don't want that.  There are
several factors at play here and you can choose what specific
semantics you want.  I'll explain by telling about my system.

I generally follow sarge, but not infrequently install packages from
sid.  I like to see what version is in what release with 'apt-cache
policy'.  Sometimes I don't want to upgrade all upgradeable packages
when I run aptitude in "gui" mode.  As a result I have the following
setup :
    1)  woody, sarge, sid all listed in apt's source list
    2)  sarge preferred, followed by the installed version, followed
            by woody, and never prefer sid specified in /etc/apt/prefereces.
    3)  aptitude version from sarge, with 'Aptitude::Auto-Upgrade "false"'
            (default in that version)

I recommend using the aptitude in sarge over the one in woody because
it works correctly (usefully/conveniently) with Auto-Upgrade set to
false.  (the woody version changes the 'auto' flag to 'manual' when
choosing to upgrade a package unless Auto-Upgrade chose to upgrade it)

Also take a look at documentation regarding apt's preferences files.

| i probably don't have it
| synched with something or other -- probably related to the error i see
| whenever i start it up:
|                     Apt errors
|     W: Can't open Aptitude extended status file

I've never seen this message (that I recall).  My first guess, though,
is that you ran aptitude as a non-root user and as a result didn't
have permission to create /var/lib/aptitude/pkgstates.


"GUIs normally make it simple to accomplish simple actions and
impossible to accomplish complex actions."
    --Doug Gwyn  (22/Jun/91 in comp.unix.wizards)
www: http://dman13.dyndns.org/~dman/            jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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