On Mon, Apr 12, 2004 at 07:54:23PM +0200, Trollcollect wrote:
> Hello list,
> after 3 days of twiddling with a "recent" copy of
> debians woody release i need to vent a bit of the
> anger and frustration that this distribution has
> caused.
> I want to start with saying that i was a strong
> advocate of debian compared to distributions such as
> RedHat and SuSE. Being a UNIX admin professionally
> (Solaris mainly), i felt home on a debian system
> pretty quick, and the packaging method was unique
> among all linux deriatives i have seen. Also i used to
> like debians approach of stability before
> bleeding-edge stuff.
> However as i have to install a small network now (7
> WS's and one server), i have to reconsider this
> assessment. I downloaded woody (2 failed attempts to
> get an installation CD with the new jigdo method).
> What i got after installation was 
> - a 2.2 Kernel without ext3 support

enter "bf24" at the "boot:" prompt from the installation CD to get a
2.4.18 kernel with ext3 support
upgrade your kernel once you've installed it

> - a KDE 2.0

add to /etc/apt/sources.list

deb http://download.kde.org/stable/3.2.1/Debian stable main


Be kind to pigeons
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