Andy Morris wrote:

Just been browsing and came across this dicussion, and thought i might be able to give some input.

I'm a software grad (well this summer) and use both linux(gentoo cant remember specifically) and xp pro sp1 as home os's (games, dev etc) and when building a fairly small application i felt that it was taking too long to build my code using linux (approx 70 secs). So I logged into my windows and it did it in under 40 secs, quite a difference.

However, these two machines were of different spec

xp: 2500xp(1.833mhz) barton 512cache,1gig ram, 7200 sata hdd (high spec)
linux:1900xp(1.6mhz) thoroughbred 256cache, 1gig ram, 5400 ide hdd (fairly low spec)

I would accept a relatively small diff between the two machines (but a difference since one is more powerful) and since there were approx 150 source files the hard drive reads could have caused a difference.

So what I had was a biased test result.

I don't know much technically, but I do have mobile racks, and in the days when I did have XP running I did my own comparisons.

Explorer in XP took over two minutes to come up with a particular URL, take out the rack, slip in another one, and Mozilla takes 13 and a half seconds, on the same URL.
Drives were both Maxtor 5400s, same Athlon 1GHz box.

There were other tests, but that is one that sticks in my mind.
I remember Linux taking slightly longer to load, but in everything else, it seemed to Excell, if you'll pardon the pun.
I have absolutely no idea what the figures are.
XP sits in a green box on the shelf now.


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