On Sun, Apr 18, 2004 at 01:33:57PM +0900 or thereabouts, Brent Russell Langille wrote:
> i have fetchmail set up to contact my isp and grab my emails and dump
> them to exim which then delivers them to a Maildir style directory. that
> works great. 
> the problem is sending mail out through exim4 to my isp. my isp only
> supports LOGIN auth. i have exim4 setup with the "smarthost" option. i
> used the address of the smtp server of my isp as the smarthost. i edited
> smtp_remote in the conf.d directory and i put my information in the
> passwd.clients file. i also have my user name aliased to my isp email
> address in the file /etc/email-addresses
> the problem is i keep getting a "550 5.1.8 you are not allowed to send
> mail". i know that i am because i can send mail through evolution
> directly to the isp, but i want all my mail to go through exim4.
> i believe that the problem is exim4 is not sending the authentication
> information. how can i test this? can anyone see a set that i have
> missed? any help would be appreciated.

It's been sometime since I set up my Exim3 for SMTP AUTH -- I believe you should
find out first what type of SMTP_AUTH your ISP supports. Usually one telnets to
their e-mail server, to see what their login stanza says. In my case it was
SMTP_AUTH PLAIN. This and the

I don't know if this helps much, I've only done this with Exim3. But Exim4
should use similar syntax. So in my 'exim.conf', I have the following;

        Under Authentication Configuration Section

                driver = plaintext
                public_name = LOGIN
                client_send = ": login : password" ## appropriate p/login

        Under Routers Configuration Section

                 driver = domainlist
                 transport = remote_smtp
                 route_list = "* ssmtp.bloor.is.net.cable.rogers.com

        /* I remember the config wouldn't work, without 'ssmtp' appended, at least
        with my ISP) */


  Sunday Apr 18 2004 10:41:01 AM EDT
Ratos não vomitam.

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