Dave Thorn wrote:
On Sun, Apr 18, 2004 at 04:40:00PM +0000, Tomy Alarie wrote:

Hi, i've downloaded 2 first cd iso of sarge today and boot with the first, i configure my location keyboard, and after when its time to initialize a hard drive, it couldnt complete this step etc.. or something that means it doesn't recognize my drive... any ideas ?

I had this.  Try as I might, I couldn't get it to do anything when I
tried to do anything after configuring the keyboard.  I installed woody
and did a dist-upgrade to sarge instead.

But WFM! Are we talking the latest Sarge CD versions? So what exact steps do you follow:

Are you telling him to partition a drive or are you using an already formatted drive?

I just did this yesterday and it works just fine, except: do everything vanilla and use a partition that exixtst and let him format it.
He formats the partition, installs the system and grub and reboots.

Then when grup comes up hit 'e' so you can add "vga=9" to his boot parm so you can see something when grub boots. After that config gets control.


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