On Sun, May 02, 2004 at 08:35:15AM -0400, Carl Fink wrote:
> On Sun, May 02, 2004 at 08:36:31AM +0200, David Fokkema wrote:
> > Grap X 4.3 from
> > deb http://people.debian.org/~nobse/xfree86/ woody main
> > from the same guy who maintains backports.org.
> This is exactly what I posted about before:  the "make the user do the work
> and defeat the purpose of a unified distribution" non-solution.

I concur. However, with debian, it is _way_ easier to use other sources than
it was in say, redhat.

> And again: I do this stuff.  The web/mail server I administer has stuff from
> backports on it.  It's a philosophically a bad idea, practically makes
> things harder, and semantically changes the meaning of the word "stable".

As opposed to releasing sarge pretty soon, yes.


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