On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 03:43:41PM -0600, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Nov 2003 10:29:00 -0600, Graham Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 
> > On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 12:43:52AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> >> E) I say I'm willing to seriously consider breaking up my proposal
> >>    if
> >> the Project Secretary can help me identify how many axes of
> >> orthogonality he perceives in my original RFD.
> > FWIW, in my opinion there are five distinct changes that your
> > proposal attempts to make to the social contract [1]:
> > 1. Remove the language saying the DFSG is "below", which makes the
> >    social contract and the DFSG separate. (3)
> > 2. Expand our committment to freedom beyond software. (4)
>       Huh? We don't ship any hardware or wetware; and the author of
>  the sc has stated the sc was meant to cover everything on the
>  CD's. There is no expansion going on.

Brandens original proposal calls for changing the wording of the SC to
state that all works (software and non-software) must be covered under
the DFSG. Sorry for not being very clear.


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