On Mon, Dec 29, 2003 at 12:39:05PM +0100, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> #include <hallo.h>
> * Andrew Suffield [Wed, Dec 24 2003, 08:43:11PM]:
> > This conflicts with the Social Contract as it currently stands. I am
> > aware of this and I do not care; we can fix the Social Contract
> > later. This probably prevents us from *acting* on this resolution
> > until after the Social Contract has been modified (which I intend to
> The conflict is quite comparable with the definition of anorexia
> nervosa. Know that there is no over-weight but feeling the stupid
> psychological impulses to remove more, and more, and more. The next
> thing on your list will become non-free, then every free software that
> is not GPL-compatible in RMS' terms, and what is coming as next,
> complete extinction for the sake of some free software dream?
> Why don't you fix actual problems instead of fighting the windmills?

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  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
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