On Sat, Jan 10, 2004 at 10:01:47PM +0000, Andrew Suffield wrote:
> -------8<---------------------------------------------------------------
>  The next release of Debian will not be accompanied by a non-free
>  section; there will be no more stable releases of the non-free
>  section. The Debian project will cease active support of the
>  non-free section. Clause 5 of the social contract is repealed.
> -------8<---------------------------------------------------------------


FWIW, I would also second an amended version of this proposal which also
scrapped the contrib section.  I am not proposing such, however, as I am
not convinced that retention of the contrib section causes the same sort
of cognitive dissonance that the non-free section does.

For one thing, there is a tradition of "contrib" meaning "not our stuff,
but housed here".  Red Hat Software and the X Consortium have both used
this term in that manner.

For another thing, the fact that the materials in contrib are Free
Software counts for something.

I realize, though, that neither of the above factors may be important to
others.  Speaking as a maintainer of packages in main and contrib (but
not in non-free), I think it's more important that we dissociate
ourselves from the non-free section than that we retain the contrib
section.  I can easily host my contrib package at an alternative

(I wonder if Robert Woodcock continues to hold the belief he implicitly
expressed about my participation being the most important factor driving
this discussion.  :)  Perhaps he'd care to run his statistics again.  :) )

G. Branden Robinson                |    Computer security is like an onion:
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    the more you dig in, the more you
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    want to cry.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    -- Cory Altheide

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