
I have some questions I'd like to ask the candidates:

You have been seen by many in the past as an abrasive developer.  Nobody (to
my knowledge) has ever faulted your technical ability, but your manner has
sometimes come under fire. Given that the DPL is, in many ways, the
representative of Debian to the world would you try to moderate your tone, or
do you believe that it wouldn't be a problem?  

I have seen some of your dealings as treasurer of SPI, and I have to admit that
your tone there was never anything but exemplary that I saw.  So given that you
have proven yourself capable of this, do you believe that your reputation might
affect how people outside the project see and deal with you?

Your platform[1] mentions that you plan to look at release management and NM.
It doesn't give any details at all though.  Do you have any specific ideas in

>From my reading of your platform you intend to bring about some (many?)
procedural changes as well as clarification and formalisation of existing
procedures.  You mention things like revamping the constitution and proposing
GRs to effect change and improve visibility.  One of my concerns with your
platform is that we will be swamped under procedural details and not have much
time left for technical excellence.  How would you address this concern?

How many and which of the ideas outlined in your platform do you expect to be
able to implement and/or work towards if you are NOT elected?

What do you see as the greatest weakness of the project?

What new challenges do you plan to present to the project?

Do you believe that if either Martin or Gergely are elected instead of you that
you would be able to work with them to achieve the goals you outline in your

I have a tamagotchi too!  He's called Foo (I have a limited imagination) Why is
your tamagotchi more suited to running the project and being world dictator

How do I get inside the shopkeeper's safe so I can get that credit note?

What do we spend the profit on?

What do you see as the greatest weakness of the project?

What new challenges do you plan to present to the project?

Do you believe that if either Branden or Martin are elected instead of you that
you would be able to work with them to achieve the goals you outline in your

Your platform[3] contains a lot of references to your organisational skills and
your people skills.  I appreciate that last year you attended a lot of
conferences too.  You *do* mention transparency and accountability as well, but
you're not nearly as focused on it as Branden is.  Do you see it as less

You posted several "Bits from the DPL" over the past year.  I found them
informative and interesting, however they did at times feel like just an
itinerary of the conferences you were visiting, mostly outward looking.  Do you
plan to continue them?  If so would do you plan to change the direction of them
to make them more inward looking?

One of the dangers of being a successful conciliator is that you can become the
first rather than last resort in cases of dispute.  Do you think that this has
been or will become a problem?

It appears to me that the technical committee has fallen into disuse.  Do you
believe that this is due to there just not being any issues for them to look
at, because they have lost the faith and respect of the developer body. because
they are an anachronism and no longer useful, or some other reason I've not

QA maintains an almost staggering number of packages.  I am on the QA list, and
I see almost daily the amount of organisational work you put into our QA
Do you think that we need to take a more proactive stance in removing
unmaintained packages from the archive?

What do you see as the greatest weakness of the project?

What new challenges do you plan to present to the project?

How many and which of the ideas outlined in your platform do you expect to be
able to implement and/or work towards if you are NOT elected?

Do you believe that if either Branden or Gergley are elected instead of you
you would be able to work with them to achieve the goals you outline in your


Thank you all for your time and consideration,

Stephen Stafford               | Development and support consultant
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | http://www.clothcat.org
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            |   Never put off until tomorrow what you can
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           |   con someone into doing for you today

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