On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 08:41:35PM -0500, Steve Langasek wrote:
> The Debian Project,
> affirming its committment to principles of freeness for all works it
> distributes,
> but recognizing that changing the Social Contract today would have grave
> consequences for the upcoming stable release, a fact which does not
> serve our goals or the interests of our users,
> hereby resolves:
> 1. that the amendments to the Social Contract contained within the
>    General Resolution "Editorial Amendments To The Social Contract"
>    (2004 vote 003) be immediately rescinded;
> 2. that these amendments, which have already been ratified by the Debian
>    Project, will be reinstated effective as of September 1, 2004 without
>    further cause for deliberation.

I wish to propose the following amendment:

That point 2. above be changed to read:

2. that these amendments, which have already been ratified by the
   Debian Project, will be reinstated immediately after the release of
   the next stable version of Debian (codenamed sarge), without
   further cause for deliberation.


> A fixed four month period should (based on current projections) give us
> ample time to release sarge, while not allowing so much time that
> maintainers are left to think that resolving the status of non-program
> components of Debian vis ? vis the DFSG is not an imminent concern.

While a four month period should be enough time to release sarge,
without this amendment, we leave open the possibility that we do not
release in time and must repeat this process again. I think it's best
to declare explicitly how long this exception should remain in effect
rather than assume that we have picked a big enough window. Although
on the downside, it relieves some pressure to release sarge soon, but
it also prevents us from rushing to release by September 1 which may
result in an inferior product.

I really hope that this amendment is not needed (i.e. we release by
September 1 anyways), but I think we should allow for the worst, just
in case.

Steve (and all those who seconded the original resolution), I hope you
accept this amendment. Failing that, I would like to seek sponsors for
this amendment to the proposal.


Duncan Findlay

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