On mar, 2004-07-13 at 21:41 +0100, James Troup wrote:
> If anyone thinks this GR will actually achieve anything positive,
> they're mistaken.

Are you trying to say you would work against the decision of the
majority of developers?

> If anyone thinks that they can insult people as much as they like[0]
> and that the people they insult still have some obligation to respond
> to them, they're entirely mistaken.[1]

First, I have to recall for people not reading IRC or -devel, that my
insults to Mr Murray had nothing to do with his work as FTP master.

As for the fact that you're feeling asked to reply by people who
otherwise insult you, well, that's why such an important task is handed
to several persons. If you receive a request from someone you don't
like, I wouldn't expect you to reply. However, when no one in the whole
group sends an answer - and even "no" is an answer - there's obviously a
problem somewhere. The current situation gives the impression that
dozens of requests are simply dropped in /dev/null.

> If anyone thinks "$foo doesn't communicate with $bar" == "$foo doesn't
> communicate", they're being at best disingenuous.

At least, $foo is not communicating publicly. For a project that claims
not to hide problems, that's quite ironic. By not communicating, e.g.
not explaining why you're not doing $stuff, you're giving the impression
that the reason is your incompetence, and people start insulting you. 

As a parenthesis, I think you'd have a hard time finding quotes of
myself insulting the ftpmasters, apart from Ryan Murray - and I don't
remember having anything to say about Ryan Murray's work as a ftpmaster.
Not all seconders of this proposal feel this way, but I insist that you
shouldn't put everyone in the same "bleh, they're insulting us and
asking us to do the job" bag.

> If anyone thinks that abusing debian-devel-announce or GRs is the best
> (or indeed "only") way to force through their pet issue, they're very
> much mistaken.

Indeed, this is a way to force a result. However, I wouldn't qualify it
a pet issue. The results of the vote will tell whether this is a pet
issue for all developers. The purpose of the GR is to ensure everyone is
working towards inclusion of amd64 - or at least, that no one will work
against it. If you're already working in this direction, why should you
feel attacked?
 .''`.           Josselin Mouette        /\./\
: :' :           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
`. `'                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom

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