On 2004-07-17 18:37:17 +0100 David Weinehall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Fri, Jul 16, 2004 at 02:26:28AM +0100, MJ Ray wrote:
Is queue-jumping desirable? [...]
Yes, it's definitely desirable. For instance, a person maintaining an
important library that a lot of other packages depend on, is more urgent
to pass through than someone maintaining an umptisecond tetris-clone,
text-editor or whatever...

You cannot judge a person's future contribution solely by the package they maintain during NM. Although I am sure that people who adopt vital works and do it well are worth jumping in, I think if this is the source of the extreme weighting (and waiting!) that we see now, it will encourage "maintainer churn" with people adopting stuff just to get through NM and then RFA/orphaning it again.

MJR/slef    My Opinion Only and not of any group I know
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