On Sat, Feb 19, 2005 at 11:12:59AM +0100, Christian T. Steigies wrote:
All of you volunteers just remember: If you spend money out of your own pocket to help Debian and want to be repaid you are an evil idiot. If you complain after not getting paid for six months you are a naggy grouser. If you inquire about these topics regularly and comment on them then your organization is incompetent and so are you!

6 months!?! Lucky you.

Your comment was mildly funny, but I'd like to remind you of the importance of solidarity in a project like this. Moshe said to love thy neighbor via constructive acts, even if you personally hate him. Brainfood, and Ean personally, have contributed a lot to Debian over the years.



It's not true unless it makes you laugh, but you don't understand it until it makes you weep.

Eukleia: Jonathan Walther
Address: 12706 99 Ave, Surrey, BC V3V2P8 (Canada)
Contact: 604-684-1319 (daytime)
Contact: 604-582-9308 (morning and evening)
Puritan: Purity of faith, Purity of doctrine. Sola Scriptura!

Patriarchy, Polygamy, Slavery === Fatherhood, Husbandry, Mastery
Matriarchy, Monogamy, Prisons === Wickedness, Stupidity, Buggery

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