On Sat, Mar 05, 2005 at 10:49:26PM +0900, Seo Sanghyeon wrote:
1. How do you define "source code" yourself?

Like pornography, I know "source code" when I see it. There may be some edge cases where not everyone agrees what constitutes source code, but porn is like that too. Where do you draw the line between a tasteful nude and exploitive smut?

2. I think that people have different ideas of what "source code"
means.  Do you agree? Are there significant disagreements regarding
this issue within the Debian Project?

I haven't seen any major disagreements.

6. Which of the following satisfies DFSG #2? What is the general
  principle? Or should it be case-by-case?

You've opened a can of worms with your extremely thorough and excellent list. :-) I think it is better left for the community to decide. I've noticed the tendency over time is toward greater freedom and openness, and I think that is a good thing.

* ELF binary without C source
* Java class file without Java source
  (This is reasonably decompilable: cf. jad package)
* Python bytecode without Python source
  (This is easily decompilable: cf. decompyle package)
* Binary firmware data
* configure script without configure.in
* C source generated by Bison without .y source
* In general, automatically generated source without good way to
  (But generated file may include every line of original source,
   perhaps as comments "This is generated from original line blah
* Prebuilt HTML file without LaTeX source
  (cf. python-doc)
* Prebuilt CHM (Compiled HTML) file without source HTML
  (This can be extracted: cf. chmlib, but perhaps not indexing
* True type font made with autotracing without original bitmaps
  (cf. autotrace, potrace)
* Opening book for board games without editing tools
  (gnuchess-book and gnugo package have opening books, but these
   are in well-known PGN and SGF format, so this is a hypothetical
* Binary encoded data without source or encoding tools
  (Wordlist, thesarus, etc. cf. bug #241279)
* Automatically generated character set encoding table without
  tools originally used for generation.
  (This rarely changes, so it's possible even the upstream doesn't
   have tools anymore)
* Dump of neural network data without training data or without
  exact method to duplicate the network
* In general, statistical data gathered from large amount of samples
  (I am not sure, but I think Mozilla's "Universal Charset Detection"
   uses character distribution table of East Asian languages gathered
   from large samples)
* JPEG image without higher quality image from which it was compressed
  (JPEG is lossy)
* Bitmap image merged from many layers without layer information
  (e.g. GIMP's XCF format)
* Bitmap image without corresponding vector format
  (e.g. SVG)
* MP3 compressed sound without original sound source
  (MP3 encoders patent-encumbered? Also MP3 is lossy)
* Ogg Vorbis compressed sound without original sound source
  (Ogg is lossy)
* FLAC compressed sound without original sound source
  (FLAC is not lossy)
* Offline version of documentations in Wiki or FAQ CGI script, etc.
  downloaded by, say, wget, without original Wikitext or FAQ database
* Binary image of programming environment used for bootstrapping
  purpose, but not exactly correspond to environment to be bootstrapped
  (Think Lisp, Smalltalk, etc.)
* What else?

It's not true unless it makes you laugh, but you don't understand it until it makes you weep.

Eukleia: Jonathan Walther
Address: 12706 99 Ave, Surrey, BC V3V2P8 (Canada)
Contact: 604-684-1319 (daytime)
Contact: 604-582-9308 (morning and evening)
Website: http://reactor-core.org/
Puritan: Purity of faith, Purity of doctrine
Puritan: Sola Scriptura, Tota Scriptura

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