On Thu, Mar 10, 2005 at 04:34:28AM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Andreas Schuldei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005.03.08.1650 +0100]:
> > More real live examples are debian-edu or debian-installer. The
> > people are more real and the problems different, but the general
> > mechanics apply.
> The point of the Debian system for me is not to be a collection of
> software, but rather an integrated system. Who will integrate the
> teams? The "small team" of project Scud?

Did debian-edu, the release team or debian-installer need any
integration? Still debian-edu uses up-to-date debian-installer
technology and when finding bugs things work out just smoothly,
without fights or funny faces when developers meet.

In fact cooperation between the teams seems to be above average.

> Also, how will you ensure that while the atmosphere inside a team
> may be jolly, the teams don't flame each other and wait for Debconf
> 5 to engage in a massive tag-team dirt fight? Not that this wouldn't
> be fun...

Let's be real: Why would anyone, just because he is happy in his
team, start fighting with people on other teams out of the blue?
I am on small teams both within Debian and in real life and it
*just does not happen*. Fact is that people who get external
affirmation (within their team) and feel appreciated are more
balanced in their personality and less likely to attack anyone
then people lacking that acceptation.

The idea of sudden fights over turf between teams only starts to
make sense if they compete for power, money, food or cpu-time. I
don't see that danger.

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