Ean Schuessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 17 March 2005 2:07 pm, MJ Ray wrote:
> > Yes, it would be good to have more replies on
> > http://debian.edv-bus.at/vote-2005/spi-management.html
> Agreed.

I have been reminded that an SPI question was asked around line 205
of http://people.debian.org/~mjr/debian_dpl_debate.html

To summarise AIUI: Jonathan wants debian to find and hire a
bookkeeper for debian and SPI; Branden wants more DDs active in
SPI; Anthony wants SPI and debian to "see other people"; Matthew
doesn't see why he should motivate DDs to help SPI, will act
on problems and wants more consistent advice; Andreas supports
reforms and Branden and would try to get involved; Angus wants
debian to manage(?) SPI and other non-profit homes for donations.

My view on this: Jonathan might be right, nuts, both or neither;
Branden and Andreas gave agreeable but selective answers;
Anthony and Angus seem to want to distance debian from SPI more;
Matthew seems less interested in the issue.

> > Indeed, but DPL's powers are limited and DPL is overseen like
> > SPI's officers.  In one way, it would be good for debian if
> > Branden gets elected and you watched him really closely!
> The DPL appears to have absolutely unchecked powers over Debian financial 
> concerns. Martin has approved and drafted thousands of dollars for DebConf 
> expenses without any official process. The constitution doesn't seem to 
> impose any limitations.

Isn't that why we have the reference to section 9 in the DPL's
description, which defines the debian/SPI relationship and SPI
only "considers" DPL requests. So, if SPI is working well, the
"evil DPL" danger to donations is limited too.

I'd hope that any organisation handling debian donations has a
similar agreement. I just checked ffis.de, but it looks like that
goes through SPI anyway. I didn't find links for things like the
UK show pile of money. One for -project later.

My Opinion Only: see http://people.debian.org/~mjr/
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