With six candidates simultaneously answering questions
and spiritedly discussing various Debian issues, Part 2
of the live IRC DPL debate was necessarily a little
chaotic.  The chronological transcript [1] captures the
authentic flavor of the live event well.  However, due
to the many interleaved messages treating disparate
topics simultaneously, this transcript is also
admittedly a little hard to read.

For this reason, with debate Part 2 moderator martin f
krafft's encouragement, I have distilled a semantical
debate transcript from the original chronological log.
This semantical transcript neither alters nor omits any
part of the debate, but it does reorder the IRC messages
to organize questions, answers and subsequent discussion
coherently.  The semantical transcript reads rather
better than does the chronological original, I think.
Perhaps you will agree.  The semantical transcript is
available here [2].

Candidates who have wished to do so have previewed the
semantical transcript, offering amendments where needed.
I appreciate their help in this (otherwise I could not
have correctly attached all the right messages to their
respective debate threads).

Readers are likely also to find David Schmitt's DPL Q&A
summaries [3] of interest.

Happy voting.

Thaddeus H. Black
508 Nellie's Cave Road
Blacksburg, Virginia 24060, USA
+1 540 961 0920, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[1] http://www.debian.org/vote/2005/Log-debian-dpl-debate
[2] http://home.ntelos.net/~b-tk/vote/2005/Log-debian-dpl-debate-reordered.html
[3] http://debian.edv-bus.at/vote-2005/

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