Argh, Anthony is correct, I misread the implementation of quorum.

Let's try this again:

A.6(1)  An individual ballot is said to rank an option A above some
        other option B if it votes for option A but not option B, or if
        it votes for both options but assigns a lower canonical number
        to option A than it does to option B.

A.6(2)  An option A is said to be preferred to another option B,
        if there are more votes which rank option A above option B than
        there are votes which rank option B above option A.

A.6(3)  A supermajority requirement of n:m for an option A means that
        when votes are considered which indicate option A as a better
        choice than some other option B, the number of votes in favor
        of A are multiplied by m/n.

A.6(4)  The "Smith Set" is the smallest set of options such that
        every option in the set is preferred to every option outside
        the set.

A.6(5)  Any option not in the "Smith Set" is ignored.

A.6(6)  [iteratively] If there are multiple options in the Smith set,
        and one has fewer first preference votes than any other, it is
        ignored, and its second preference votes become first preference
        votes -- ballots which indicate no second preference are ignored.
        [In case of ties which could potentially affect the outcome of
        the vote, the person with the casting vote will choose.]

A.6(7)  When only one option remains unignored, if more than quorum votes
        prefer that option to the default option, the unignored option wins.
        Otherwise, the default option wins.



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