On Fri, Mar 09, 2001 at 06:19:18PM +1100, Craig Sanders wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 09, 2001 at 12:43:52PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
> > Assume you had the same intentions I described above: that you'd try as
> > hard as possible to get a vote on the issue done, and then try as hard
> > as you could to make sure the result of that vote was effected. How
> > would you answer your question?
> i'd answer it honestly and directly because not doing so would be an
> attempt to deceive the electorate.
> in my case, i would answer "No" and follow it up with the comment that
> "i would do whatever i could to ensure that non-free is not removed from
> debian's archives".

That wasn't the question.

> if i happened to be in favour of removing non-free then i'd answer "Yes"
> and optionally follow it up with comments on what i intended to do about
> it.

That wasn't the question either. 

> if i didn't care, then i'd say "No" and optionally point out that 
> developers can make whatever proposals they like whenever they like.

Nor was that -- it's a position of not caring about the proposals,
rather than wanting to see one voted on and implemented.

Why are you evading Anthony's question?  It looked pretty clear to me,
he asked how you would answer if you had the particular intention he
described.  Not how you would answer in a host of other cases.

Richard Braakman

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