On Fri, Mar 09, 2001 at 01:43:34PM -0500, Ben Collins wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 09, 2001 at 08:53:59AM -0600, Ben Burton wrote:
> > 
> > All the debate on this yes/no issue I am finding somewhat astounding.. did 
> > Branden not make his position quite clear?
> > 
> > > Peter Makholm has sussed out what I meant by this.  I just want to see
> > > resolution of the issue via a democratic process.
> > 
> > He can't answer yes or no because he will take action to remove non-free 
> > iff 
> > the developer body votes for it.  What he promises is a referendum and 
> > action 
> > according to the result; how can you get clearer than that?
> > 
> > (Hmmm.. then again, that's what Howard said about the Australian republic.. 
> > *grin*)
> I think the question Craig is trying to convey is "are you in favor of
> removing non-free?", which is a yes or no question. Branden has not
> stated whether he is in favor of this or not. If he were DPL, his opinion
> could sway favor towards one side or the other, even if he can't
> directly change the outcome.

I've said more on this issue, even recently, than people seem to recall:

*** SNIP ***

Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 14:05:58 -0500
X-Mailing-List: <debian-vote@lists.debian.org> archive/latest/1684

On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 06:46:01PM +1100, Craig Sanders wrote:
> 1. what is your stance(*) on some of the recent controversial topics aka
> flame-wars within debian?   

> 2. what action, if any, do you intend to take on these issues?
>  - non-free archives?

This issue is so controversial that I don't think it can be handled
without a General Resolution.  The DPL can issue a GR at any time without
having to get it seconded, but I would not do so on this issue.

I continue to be of two minds about John Goerzen's proposal of many months
ago.  My main concern during the whole process was that I felt, whether on
purpose or by accident, the GR system was operating in such a way as to
prevent certain points of view from appearing on the ballot.

But, I'm sure you want a committed viewpoint one way or the other.

If put in the position of making a casting vote to decide the issue, yeah,
I probably would vote to get the non-free archives off of official project
machines.  I am, however, uncomfortable with the idea of *completely*
yanking the rug out from underneath it.  It needs a BTS, etc.  On the
bright side, our current BTS is cracking under the weight and is going to
need to be re-architected soon anyway.  So the time is likely getting ripe
for experimentation with the BTS for reasons totally unrelated to some
non-free split.

*** SNIP ***

G. Branden Robinson             |       If you have the slightest bit of
Debian GNU/Linux                |       intellectual integrity you cannot
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |       support the government.
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |       -- anonymous

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