On Thu, Mar 15, 2001 at 08:08:31AM +1100, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> > I'm sure at least two of our candidates will be strong leaders, though one
> > of them has a so far undiscussed potential conflict of interest regarding
> > his position in his employer's company.  
> Hmm, well that's an interesting comment. That would be your employer too,
> right? And doesn't a similar potential conflict of interest exist with
> Wichert? (IIRC he works for VA?)

No, not since mid January.  I will let Progeny speak for themselves since
I no longer represent them, however I can say that I believe they don't
want even an appearance of such a conflict of interest.  I don't forsee
any immediate and obvious problems, but I expect that sooner or later
there may be some decision that needs to be made relating to Progeny or to
Debian which affects the other.  My general paranoia levels don't allow me
to comfortably say for sure that I could wear both hats and completely
seperate my responsibilities.  I'm not convinced anyone can.

Progeny is working on a commercial Debian after all, that's no secret.
Any company's first priority has to be their bottom line if they want to
survive.  I'm confident nothing they'll do will harm Debian (working with
them, I suspect many of their staff would quit before they'd let that
happen), however people are going to attempt to discern for whom decisions
are being made.  Probably a good thing in the end, but I wouldn't want to
subject myself to that.

Feel free to disregard me if you think I'm speaking as a disgruntled
former employee or anything like that.

Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                Free software developer

Eric Raymond:  I want to live in a world where software doesn't suck.

Richard Stallman:  Any software that isn't free sucks.

Linus Torvalds:  I'm interested in free beer.

Richard Stallman:  That's okay, as long as I don't have to drink it.  I
don't like beer.
        -- LinuxWorld Expo panel, 4 March 1999

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