On Sat, Dec 07, 2002 at 10:36:45AM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
> > Proof that A.6 draft is undemocratic.
> I'm ignoring your proof because you've left out something I consider to
> be significant out of your axioms.  [see above.]

I'm not sure that's fair, since quorum doesn't come into play in the examples
given. If you prefer, just multiply by 10, or 100, or whatever you feel is

In more detail, and multiplied, the example is:

        D defeats A by 60:50 (20:50, but multiplied by 3:1 
                              supermajority requirement)
        A defeats B by 60:10
        B defeats D by 50:20

(simplifying the votes slightly gives: 50 ABD, 10 DBA, 10 DAB; which
is to say most people prefer A to B, most people find A acceptable but
not enough for supermajority, and most people find B acceptable and it
doesn't require a supermajority)

...and the question is which defeat to eliminate: B v D because it's
weaker, or A v B, because A can never win anyway. Given that A can't
possibly win by assumption (it failed its supermajority requirement),
I'm not seeing why it's not sensible to say "well, most people would
rather `B' than further discussion, so let's go with `B'".

Which is to say that "if option X doesn't defeat the default option by
its supermajority requirement, it is ignored" seems to be fairer than
considering defeats by the default option as especially strong.


Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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