
On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 02:48:40PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
> ie, the steps I'm suggesting are:
>       1. If there's a default option, satisfy quorum and supermajority
>               [this leaves us with the default option, and those other
>                options that satisify q & sm; or else it leaves all the
>                options]
>       2. Apply cloneproof-SSD
>               [this does nothing but eliminate defeats / break ties, so
>                while it reduces the size of the Schwartz set, never
>                empties it; if we've got a default option, it's either
>                the only option, or its not in the Schwartz set ever]
>       3. Choose a winner from the Schwartz set
> Does that make sense yet?

For me it makes sense.  It limits our modifications to implement
quorum and supermajority to one well defined step, and in the absence
of q & sm it is trivial to verify that we really do cloneproof-SSD.
I would like this solution.


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